Wednesday, 17 May 2017

A complete auric look for your wedding

A day to be remembered for whole life, a day which is pious and always be golden like your ornaments, your wedding can be such. Flipping back to the history of jewelry, it has embarked its traditional and aesthetic value but in time of crises and befalling misfortune it has also saved many names from drowning. Gold with its amber purely signifies her status and adds a valor to her name. The gold rock crystal is widely used in full length and breadth in our country in the time of wedding, birth and any other special occasion. Through this article we will discuss what type of ornaments you should be wearing while you are filled of nervous sensations, goosebumps but wake up it’s your wedding! 

Along with decoration and theme parties held for such occasion, your relatives and guests take keen interest how the bride would be looking in the terms of how of gold she will be wearing on that D-day. Gold is something which attracts everyone and which is meant to be auspicious to gift some to a daughter by her parents so that she could use it in the time of emergency. Menakshi Sood, a bank manager and mother of a tech-oriented girl said, “My daughter is getting wedding with a suitable choice of her when she got posted at Chennai. The boy is south Indian and we are purely Punjabis. Their wedding is very different from ours. The wedding will happen in south Indian custom. There wedding also involve lots and lots of gold and famous mango mala, nakshi & temple jewelry and other antique ornaments. My daughter like lite looking stuff, don’t know how she will wear all this.”
In Hindu tradition, gold is positioned like a God.  Jewelry like billai, maang-tikka, passa, nose-pin, heavy earing, neckpiece, baaju-band, bangles are all looked up for every type of wedding in this country. In our country there are ample gold selling brands which are Malabar Golds and Diamonds, Tanishq, Nakshatra Diamond and jewelry, D’Damas jewelry, Nirwana, Gili jewelry, Asmi diamond and jewelry, Kiah, Rivaaz and many more. 

As we discuss types of jewelry and brand from where you can get that solid shimmer across your loved one neck, we too want to tell that our country is a mixed bag where culture, traditions, respect, norms are looked under strict vigilance. Here, gold is always worshipped no matter what occasion the country enjoys. This shimmers mineral always glorifies individual’s inner soul and also extends a rungs in this society.   

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